While I was doing my fraud investigations. I stumbled across something very interesting. Please read below:
This chick has been scamming women with her 'How to Catch A Baller' self-help books which are actually PDF's sold on Amazon of some recycled bullcrap she pieced together from Elance.com and other writers. She scammed women out of a $5,000 trip to New York to party with some supposed ballers and meet hip hop industry big shots. Trip never happened! Her antics remind me much of the same tactics that go on with Organo Gold. They offer you false promises, take your money and then you are shit-out-of-luck. These two are going to be a match made in Heaven. Two people who make a dis-honest living by scamming on the hopes and dreams of others. Why would yall follow a guy who lets a woman like this in his bed and vice versa? Even worse, he is due to marry this chick. She may take him for all he's got. Guess what else.....SHE IS CURRENTLY AN ORGANO GOLD DISTRIBUTOR WHO IS NOW PREYING ON INNOCENT MEN AND WOMEN TO JOIN AND LOSE ALL OF THEIR MONEY. THE WORLD IS NOT SAFE FROM GOOD FRAUDING SKILLS AND APPARENT GOOD HEAD SKILLS. THE FRAUDSTER IN A MINI SKIRT HAS HIT THE STREETS PEDDLING THE GANODERMA....